tag: emulation

All About WinDurango.UI: The user interface for the compatibility layer

Your browser doesn't support embedded videos, but don't worry, you can download it and watch it with your favorite video player! The UI project for WinDurango, spearheaded by Dexrn ZacAttack, allows users to launch Xbox One games, and update to new builds of WinDurango. It can even manage mods The project was started in September of 2024, before WinDurango could even boot any games. The project is currently in the process of being rewritten.

A short history of WinDurango

WinDurango, formerly known as XBONEmu, is the first publicly available compatibility layer for the Xbox One. As of writing, it can only play Minecraft: Xbox One Edition. However, it does this with native performance and working splitscreen. Origins WinDurango was created on January 17, 2023 by Tyler Jaacks (VitalC0d3r). At first, he didn’t get very far because he had no access to dumps of Xbox One games and no outside help.